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2 Ways Invigilation To Prevent Job Interview Lies

Pratisrutee Mishra
July 20, 2022

Are you irked with job interview lies too?? 

There is an instinct to sugarcoat skills and achievements to present oneself in a positive light. Ideally, they try to hide their weaknesses and exhibit accomplishments. This unrealistic portrayal helps an individual make lasting impressions. It is normal…

In fact, 88.6% of lies in a day are described as ‘little white lies'. But, all of this, while seemingly normal, can cause a serious debacle in the professional space. 

Hiring can be lengthy, time-consuming, and even irritating at times. But, it should never be prejudiced. 

LinkedIn's findings show that 49% of candidates turn their backs on the organization if they experience biased judgments and poor recruitment practices. And, as an HR professional, you would certainly not want to lose a good candidate to irrational human biases or job interview lies.

Secure Your Hiring With Double-Invigilation!

Technology has provided numerous options and has simplified the hiring experience for HR managers, recruiters, and other decision-makers. Imagine enabling your organization with the fastest, easiest, and most visually-engaging hiring tools. 

Doesn't that sound like a good deal?

In addition to advanced technological services, you can also access the benefit of customizing your invigilation.

It is always good to double-check your hiring process. With PMaps psychometric tools, you can screen honest and unique candidates through 3 effective lie scales and 4 strict remote proctors. These reports are efficient, accessible, and easy to interpret.

TSK TSK we have a secret for you… 

You can also customize your interview questions to culturally align them with your organization. And decide the number of proctors implemented in your tests. Best of all, these privileges are available at an affordable price and are budget-friendly. Below is a brief of the services you can expect from PMaps' proctoring and lie-detecting technology to prevent yourself from falling into job interview lies. 

Digital Proctors: What Is 21st Century Invigilation?

In the 21st century, applicants and employees expect remote hiring and working facilities. An organization that does not live up to these expectations, experiences early attrition. For instance, news headlines about White Hat Jr highlight how employees have grown fond of working from home in the post-pandemic era. 

While attending an online course or exam, students often take these systems for granted. Similarly, employees and potential employees, too, indulge in conscious careless conduct when there is nobody to monitor them during an exam. This behavior is stimulated by the context, or ‘coupled' with the situation, and hence is termed coupling theory

But coming back to the real question… Is remote invigilation possible? The answer is YES. 

Many hiring assessments, these days, make use of proctoring technologies to ensure that online tests are cheating-proof. The proctors monitor the candidates' activity throughout the exam and record any misconduct performed.

The remote proctoring system enables HR professionals to digitally invigilate through:

  1. Noise Detection
  2. Snapshots 
  3. Browser Switch Detection
  4. Face Verification

Lie Detectors: How To Know If Your Candidate Is Lying In A Job Interview?

Padding the Resume is a common deception tactic, often used to make a good first impression. According to Indeed, at least 40% of candidates lie or exaggerate self profile on their resume. A screening Cover Letter is a hiring practice that can be easily manipulated by the candidates. 

If you are still one of the traditional hiring practitioners, you may have already mis-hired many candidates!

The Resume cover page of applicants is designed to grab attention during the very first glimpse. Beware of the candidates' tendencies to respond in a socially desirable manner. This causes a continual attempt to make a good, lasting, first impression. It will facilitate an applicant to act by your expectations. 

The phenomenon is explained by the impression management theory of Goffman. 

To prevent a first impression bias in hiring, you can now avail the latest HR tech options that save you from job interview lies. Hiring tools such as psychometric assessments with lie detecting scales can help you filter genuine responses of the candidates. This will ultimately lead to efficient hiring!

The 3 best lie scales incorporated into PMaps' assessments are;

  1. Impression Management Scale
  2. Infrequency Scale
  3. Acquiescence Scale

PMaps Pre-Filter Hiring Assessments: How To Use Them To Prevent Job Interview Lies?

We realize how precious your time is. Therefore, we ensure that you will effectively reduce hiring time by incorporating psychometric assessments into your tight hiring cycle. And like a cherry on top of a cake, proctoring and lie detection scales tops PMaps assessments. The combination provides you security and clarity in assessing your candidates. 

The proctoring technology temporarily controls the audio, webcam, and display of the test takers. It obtains records in pre-set intervals throughout the attempt. Also, the assessments have psychological lie scales incorporated within their items. And it identifies careless responders. 

A brief report from both the invigilation software products gives an insight into candidates' honesty. Proctoring tools help you check the candidates' activities through snapshots, audio records, and screen switching actions. And the lie scale shows possible exaggerations and skewed responses. The combination of these tools helps you in effective filtering of the right candidate profile.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

How prevalent are "little white lies" in the professional space?

Research indicates that 88.6% of lies in a day are categorized as 'little white lies,' often aimed at presenting oneself in a positive light.

What are the consequences of biased judgments and poor recruitment practices during hiring?

According to LinkedIn, 49% of candidates are likely to reject an organization due to biased judgments or poor recruitment practices, highlighting the importance of fair and objective hiring processes.

How can HR professionals ensure unbiased hiring practices?

HR professionals can utilize tools like those offered by PMaps to assess candidates objectively, reducing the influence of human biases and promoting fair hiring decisions.

What role does PMaps play in mitigating biases and promoting fair hiring practices?

PMaps provides innovative solutions for candidate assessment, including tools for evaluating skills and achievements objectively, thereby helping organizations make fair and informed hiring decisions.

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