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Solutioning Skills Assessment

The Solutioning Assessment is crucial for teams that thrive on understanding client needs and developing innovative solutions. This test measures a candidate's ability to analyze, create, and communicate solutions effectively, making it indispensable for sales, consulting, and customer service roles. Ensure your team can deliver tailored solutions that enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth.

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Test Summary

The Solutining Assessment is designed to rigorously evaluate the proficiency of sales representatives in understanding client information, crafting tailored solutions, and communicating effectively. This comprehensive test assesses a candidate's ability to analyze client concerns, demonstrate problem-solving skills, and articulate practical solutions clearly and persuasively. Additionally, it measures vocabulary, grammar, and fluency, ensuring candidates can maintain professional and impactful communication. Ideal for sales roles requiring high-level client interaction and solution-oriented strategies, this assessment ensures your team can drive customer satisfaction and business growth.


Relevant for

  • Sales Representatives
  • Account Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Customer Success Managers
  • Sales Consultants
  • Marketing Specialists
  • Product Managers
  • Solutions Architects
  • Client Service Executives
  • Technical Sales Engineers

Elevating Success Through Diverse Competencies

Client Needs Analysis:

The ability to accurately assess and understand the specific needs or problems of clients. This competency is fundamental in identifying the most effective solutions tailored to client requirements.

Solution Development:

The skill in creating viable and innovative solutions to address the client's concerns. It involves leveraging product knowledge and creativity to devise strategies that meet or exceed client expectations.

Effective Communication:

The capacity to convey ideas, solutions, and concepts clearly and persuasively, both in writing and verbally. Effective communication ensures that solutions are understood and appreciated by clients.

Critical Thinking:

The ability to apply logical thought processes to analyze client information and develop comprehensive solutions. It includes evaluating alternatives and foreseeing potential outcomes to choose the best course of action.


The capability to adjust solutions and strategies in response to changing client needs or market dynamics. Adaptability ensures sales professionals can remain effective in a variety of situations.


The capacity to understand and share the feelings of others, particularly clients. Empathy allows sales professionals to build strong relationships and trust by genuinely addressing client concerns.

Persuasion and Negotiation:

The skill in convincing clients of the value of proposed solutions and negotiating terms that satisfy both parties. This competency is crucial for closing deals and ensuring client satisfaction.


The ability to identify problems, generate solutions, and choose effective courses of action. In solutioning, problem-solving skills are essential for addressing client challenges efficiently and creatively.

Enhanced Client Understanding:
Identifies candidates skilled in comprehending client needs and queries.

Tailored Solutioning Abilities:

Pinpoints professionals adept at developing and communicating effective solutions.

Superior Communication Skills:
Ensures team members possess the necessary language proficiency for impactful client interactions.

Strategic Sales Enhancement:
Empowers sales teams with the competencies needed for consultative selling and customer-centric approaches.

Key Features

Pmaps assessment

Globally Validated

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Language Agnostic

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Advanced Analytics

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Reliable & Validated

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Seamless Integration

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Real-time Reporting

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Why Choose PMaps?

Choosing PMaps means opting for a comprehensive and transformative assessment solution designed to address your most critical talent management needs. Our platform sets itself apart by delivering precision in talent acquisition and development through a suite of robust psychometric assessments. By leveraging our advanced analytics and expertise, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of hiring, succession planning, and employee development.

One-Click Deployment

One-Click Deployment

Quickly select and deploy tests from our extensive library in just one click.

Effortless Sharing

Effortless Sharing

Conveniently share test links with candidates directly from the platform.

Device-Friendly Assessment

Device-Friendly Assessment

Boost completion rates with a candidate experience that’s seamless across all devices.

insightful report

Insightful Reporting

Gain clear insights from detailed reports to make informed candidate evaluations

Client Testimonials

Max Life Insurance
TA - Staffing
Shailesh Singh

We use PMaps for two assessments, Sales Aptitude Assessment and Values Assessment for our salespersons. It helped us improve the quality of our hires. We have seen lower attrition.

Tech Mahindra
Group Head TA
Ankit Aswal

PMaps enables us to screen and assess candidates before they join us, especially when hiring thousands of individuals. It helps us understand their aptitude, communication skills, and personality.

Preeti Shirke

The PMaps team has been extremely forthcoming and receptive to the requirements we have shared. The solution that has been designed and customized to suit our requirements has been very well received.

Flexible customization options to suit your needs

Details About Assessments

Deep Dive into the Solutioning Assessment: Crafting Experts in Client Engagement


In the competitive landscape of sales, the ability to not only understand client needs but also to articulate and deliver tailored solutions is what sets top performers apart. The Solutioning Assessment is meticulously designed to evaluate this critical capability, focusing on comprehension, solution formulation, and communication skills essential for success in sales roles.

The Essence of Solutioning in Sales

Solutioning transcends traditional sales tactics. It's about creating value through a deep understanding of client challenges and offering bespoke solutions that address these issues effectively. This approach requires a blend of analytical skills to grasp client needs, creativity in developing solutions, and communication prowess to convey these solutions convincingly.

Test Composition and Areas of Focus

Comprehension Skills: Assessing the ability to accurately interpret client information and underlying needs, this section forms the foundation of effective solutioning. Candidates are evaluated on how well they can process and understand complex client scenarios, a prerequisite for any subsequent solution formulation.

Solution Development: This core component of the assessment measures a candidate's capacity to devise practical and innovative solutions tailored to the clients specific concerns or queries. It challenges individuals to think critically and creatively, leveraging their industry knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Communication Proficiency: Beyond identifying and crafting solutions, the ability to communicate these effectively is paramount. This segment assesses vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and the ability to structure thoughts coherently, ensuring candidates can articulate their solutions in a manner that is persuasive and understandable to clients.

Why the Solutioning Assessment is Indispensable

Implementing the Solutioning Assessment enables organizations to:

  • Identify Sales Talent with a Client-Centric Approach: Pinpoint professionals who excel in understanding and addressing client needs, ensuring a workforce capable of driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Foster a Culture of Solution-Oriented Selling: Elevate the sales approach from transactional interactions to consultative engagements, enhancing the overall value proposition to clients.
  • Enhance Communication Skills: Ensure that your sales team possesses the language proficiency necessary for clear, effective client interactions, critical in global marketplaces.
  • Drive Business Growth: By equipping your team with solutioning experts, enhance your organizations capability to solve client problems effectively, leading to increased sales and market share.

Customization for Your Unique Business Context

Recognizing that industries and client bases vary significantly, PMaps offers customizable options for the Solutioning Assessment. Tailoring the test to align with specific business scenarios, industry requirements, and client profiles ensures that the assessment delivers insights that are both relevant and actionable.

Partnering with PMaps: Your Path to Building a Solution-Focused Sales Team

Choosing PMaps for your Solutioning Assessment needs signifies a commitment to excellence in client engagement and sales performance. Our expertly designed test, backed by insights and support from our seasoned professionals, empowers your organization to identify, hire, and develop the sales talent that will drive your business forward in a client-focused, solution-oriented manner.


In today's sales environment, where understanding and solving client problems is paramount, the Solutioning Assessment by PMaps stands as a critical tool in identifying and nurturing the talent capable of leading this charge. Equip your sales force with the skills to not just meet but exceed client expectations, fostering long-term relationships and driving sustained business growth.

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Resources Related To Test

PMaps Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about PMaps through commonly asked questions:

What is the Solutioning Assessment?

The Solutioning Assessment is a specialized tool designed by PMaps to evaluate the essential skills required for successful solution-oriented sales roles. It focuses on assessing a candidate's comprehension of client needs, ability to formulate tailored solutions, and proficiency in communicating these solutions effectively.

Who can benefit from the Solutioning Assessment?

This assessment is ideal for:

  • Sales Representatives
  • Account Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Customer Success Managers
  • Solutions Architects
  • Marketing Specialists
  • Technical Sales Professionals
  • Any role involved in consultative selling and client problem-solving

What skills does the Solutioning Assessment measure?

The test evaluates:

  • Comprehension Skills: Understanding client information and identifying their needs.
  • Solution Development: Creativity and effectiveness in crafting solutions for client concerns.
  • Communication Skills: Clarity, fluency, and persuasiveness in presenting solutions.

How does the Solutioning Assessment enhance the hiring process?

Incorporating this assessment helps organizations:

  • Ensure candidates have the critical thinking and communication skills for effective solution selling.
  • Streamline the recruitment process by quickly identifying individuals with high solutioning capabilities.
  • Improve the quality of hires in sales and client-facing roles, directly impacting customer satisfaction and retention.

Can the Solutioning Assessment be customized?

Yes, PMaps offers customization options for the Solutioning Assessment to align with specific industry challenges, sales scenarios, and client interaction styles. This ensures the assessment is directly relevant to your organizational needs and objectives.

What format does the Solutioning Assessment take?

The assessment includes a variety of question types, such as scenario-based questions that mimic real client interactions, written exercises to evaluate communication skills, and analytical problems to test solution development abilities.

How do organizations access and administer the test?

Organizations interested in utilizing the Solutioning Assessment can contact PMaps directly. Our team will guide you through the setup and administration process, ensuring a smooth and efficient assessment experience for both administrators and candidates.

What kind of feedback does the test provide?

PMaps provides comprehensive reports detailing candidates' performance in each competency area assessed. These insights allow organizations to make informed decisions on hiring and identify areas for development in current employees.

How often is the Solutioning Assessment updated?

To ensure relevance and effectiveness, the Solutioning Assessment is regularly reviewed and updated based on the latest sales trends, solutioning techniques, and communication practices. This guarantees that the test remains a valuable tool for assessing solution-oriented sales skills.