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What is a Type A Personality

Pratisrutee Mishra
June 7, 2024

We always have that one colleague who is always energetic and outstanding at all times, and yes, that's your Type A personality example in real life. These type A traits are characterized by adjectives like perfectionistic, ambitious, and the person may be considered to be competitive, aggressive and prompt. But, have we been able to decode them completely? The unfortunate answer is no. 

As clearly as you see their goals and efforts, it is as complex for us to sketch out their temperament and its shifts. There's so much potential hidden in every single employee that we come across as HRs, but identifying and channelising their expertise is something we miss out on. This blog aims to shed light on type A personality traits that employers must know before they hire or manage them in the workplace.

What is a Type A Personality?

What is a Type A Personality

Unlike any other personality types, type A behaviors could be the most misunderstood amongst the people of your workforce. The typical traits of type A personality revolves around achievement-orientation, competitiveness, fast-paced multi-tasking, and impatience. 

They mostly represent the top performers and engaged employees of your workforce. People with type A personality traits are not just book-smart, they are also street-smart and tech savvy. Some misconceptions that surround their personality traits are:

  1. They are always stressed: While the Type A person is more prone to stress due to their high-achieving nature, it doesn’t mean they are constantly stressed. Many have developed effective stress management techniques.
  2. Inherently Unhealthy: The belief that Type A personality is bound to suffer from health issues, particularly heart disease, is a misconception. While they may have a predisposition, it is not a certainty, and many lead healthy lives.
  3. Exclusively Aggressive or Hostile: The Type A person does not always behave aggressively or exhibit hostility. These traits can be present but are not defining characteristics of every person with Type A traits.
  4. Lack of Enjoyment: Some think Type A personality cannot relax or enjoy life, but many find joy in their achievements and have hobbies and interests outside of work.
  5. Type A is a Fixed Category: It is a misconception that you are either a Type A person or you are not. Personality traits exist on a spectrum, and individuals may exhibit varying degrees in the characteristics of type A personality.

What it Means to Have a Type A personality

If you have got a person with a Type A personality, it’s like having  that person who’s always on the go, aiming to win at everything, and getting things done pronto.  They would be the one who’s always checking their watch, making lists, and pushing to be number one. You might find them getting a bit edgy when things slow down or don’t go as planned. It feels like they have an inner motor that’s always revved up.

So, while being a Type A can make them  a superstar at work or in competitions, it may also feel like being with a person who is running a marathon at sprint speed all the time. That can tire them  out and also stress them  out, which isn’t great for chilling out or for their  health. That’s why it is key for the go-getters to find some chill time, too.

Type A Personality Example

Here are a couple of real-life type A personality examples. The list majorly highlights winners of today’s world with strong drive and determination of type A characteristics. It also underscores their tendency to be highly competitive and goal-oriented. Some renowned type A personality people we know are:

Type A Personality Traits

Fortunately, the concept of Type A personality traits has evolved over time. It is now more appropriately expressed as a behavioral continuum rather than a strict typology. It is now acknowledged that individuals with type A personality can exhibit the typical traits in varying degrees. You know you are witnessing a type A personality traits when you see them:

  1. They criticize themselves for Small Mistakes: Type A behavior is often their own harshest critics. They may dwell on even minor errors, which can drive their continuous improvement but also contribute to stress.
  2. Married to Their Job: Their commitment to work can be so intense that it is akin to a marriage. This dedication often leads to significant achievements but can also affect their personal relationships and work-life balance.
  3. Walking Planners: They are natural planners, frequently making lists and setting goals. This organizational skill helps them to be efficient but can sometimes lead to inflexibility when plans change.
  4. Multitasking Masters: The type A person is often adept at juggling multiple tasks simultaneously. While this can increase productivity, it may also mean they are less present at the moment for each task.
  5. Controlling in Teams: Their need for control can manifest in team settings, where they may take charge more often. This can be beneficial for direction but might suppress others’ contributions.
  6. Picture Perfect: They strive for perfection in everything they do, which can lead to high-quality outcomes. However, this perfectionism can also set unrealistic standards for themselves and others.
  7. Easily Angered: Type A personalities may have a short fuse, getting easily frustrated with inefficiencies or delays. While this can spur action to improve processes, it can also create tension.
  8. Hybrid Personalities: Many people with Type A traits also display Type B behaviors, depending on the situation. This adaptability can be a strength, allowing them to balance their intensity with relaxation when appropriate.

Type A Personality Traits: Pros and Cons

All the personality types often come with a package of their own unique traits that may be negative as well as positive. The negativity or positivity is not solely dependent on the personality type, rather it applies to settings, context, personal preference, and many other factors. Type A personality in a workplace set up are likely to have both positive and negative impacts, we have compiled them in the table below:

type a traits

Type A Personality vs. Other Personality Types

Though there are suggestive differences between all types of personality, it does not mean absolute exclusion of traits in any one of them. Here is a brief comparison that will guide you in differentiating type A behavior with other personality types:

characteristics of type a personality

Why Understanding the Type A personality is Important in Hiring Decisions

type a characteristics

By understanding and leveraging the strengths of Type A personalities, employers can create a work environment that not only attracts high-caliber candidates but also retains them by providing the right challenges and rewards. 

To maximize the potential of candidates and employees with a Type A personality, consider the following strategies:

  • Provide Clear Goals: Type A people are goal-oriented. They set clear, challenging, and achievable goals that can help them stay focused and motivated.
  • Encourage Autonomy: They value independence and can be self-driven. It allows them autonomy in their work and can lead to higher job satisfaction and productivity.
  • Foster a Competitive Environment: Healthy competition can bring out the best in Type A personalities. It sparks competitiveness and maintains a collaborative environment that can stimulate their drive to excel.
  • Offer Leadership Opportunities: Many Type A individuals have leadership qualities. It provides them with leadership roles or responsibilities that can be mutually beneficial.
  • Support Work-Life Balance: While they are hardworking, it is important to encourage a balance to prevent burnout. They are high believers of work-life balance practices which contributes to maintaining their well-being.
  • Recognize Achievements: They appreciate recognition for their efforts. Regular feedback and acknowledgment of their achievements can keep them engaged and committed.

How Type A personalities can impact behavior in the workplace

type a personality

Type A personalities can significantly impact workplace behavior in several ways. And it is important for organizations to recognize the potential for stress and work-life imbalance and provide support to help these individuals maintain a healthy professional and personal life balance. Here’s a detailed look at how these traits manifest in a professional setting:

1. High Performance Under Pressure: Type A individuals often thrive in high-pressure, fast-paced work environments. They are known to meet their deadlines and produce superior work, which can be a valuable asset in roles that require quick decision-making and a proactive approach.

2. Leadership and Independence: Their drive and ambition can lead to strong leadership qualities. Type A personalities are typically independent workers who can stay on task without supervision. They often feel personally accountable for the outcomes of their work, which can motivate them to take charge and lead projects or teams.

3. Practical Problem-Solving: Type A personalities are practical and tend to address issues immediately. This trait enables them to tackle challenges head-on and apply their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills effectively.

4. Focus and Seriousness: In the workplace, Type A individuals are usually very focused on the business side of work. They may spend more time completing tasks and using their time efficiently, which can lead to high productivity levels.

5. Competitiveness: Their competitiveness can be a double-edged sword. While it can drive them to achieve great results, it can also lead to stress if they derive their self-worth from meeting goals. Sometimes, they may not feel satisfied even after reaching their goals, which can affect their overall job satisfaction.

6. Work-Life Balance Challenges: One of the potential downsides is that many Type A individuals don’t carry a practical work-life balance. Their dedication to work and achieving results can sometimes come at the expense of personal time and relaxation, which is essential for long-term well-being.

7. Hybrid Behaviors: It is also common for people to display a mix of Type B and Type A behavior, depending on the situation. This means that while they may exhibit Type A traits like competitiveness and urgency, they might also show Type B traits such as creativity and collaboration in different contexts.

How to get the best out of candidates and employees with Type A personality

type a personality traits

Understanding the type A personality traits can help employers orient employees  in the right position and job roles. This enhances the potential for employee satisfaction and engagement. It may also count towards cultural alignment and guarantee employee retention in the long run. Here are some aspects you must focus to deal with personality type A:

  • Job Fit: Type A traits are great for tough, goal-driven roles. They also suit well in an authority position that allows them to plan and lead.
  • Team Dynamics: Type A people are influential and their intrinsic drive can boost team success and spirit. 
  • Retention: A good fit between Type A traits and job culture enhances satisfaction and retains talent.
  • Performance: Traits like conscientiousness in Type A’s can forecast their work success.

How PMaps Assessments measure Workplace Personality

PMaps assessments precisely evaluate candidates’ aptitudes, personality traits, skills, and domain expertise. By leveraging data analytics and people science, these assessments help organizations understand how an individual’s personality traits align with job roles, predict potential skill gaps, and tailor development programs accordingly. This leads to a more capable, cohesive, and resilient workforce.

Here’s how they achieve this:

  • Personality Assessment Tests: PMaps offers a variety of tests, including the Big Five Personality Test, which analyzes core traits like openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
  • Domain-based Situation Judgmental Assessment: These evaluations go beyond qualifications to delve into core personality traits and cognitive abilities that impact job performance.
  • Managerial Assessment: Specifically designed to identify leadership talent, this test measures abilities in team leadership, conflict resolution, motivational techniques, and communication skills.
  • Visual-Based Personality  Assessments: PMaps provides visual-based assessments that measure skills and personality traits of entry-level job seekers.
  • Skills Assessment Tests: We offer targeted job assessments to identify specific job-related capabilities. These assessments help ensure that you pinpoint the exact skills your team needs to excel.


It is important to understand the type A traits in order to hire them, train them and optimally orient them into the team. Type A behavior tends to be the top performers and high achievers of any organization. Identifying type A personality can help you to adjust the work environment and manage motivators to enhance their productivity. 

Don’t have enough time to naturally observe your employees one-by-one? Worry not, PMaps Assessment Solution has got you covered with our Big 5 personality test tool. Learn more about leveraging HRtech for enhancing your decisions this appraisal session by quickly scheduling your call with our team at or call us at 8591320212.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

1. How was the concept of Type A personality developed?

Type A personality was developed by Dr. Meyer Friedman and Dr. Ray Rosenman, two cardiologists in the 1950s. The heart disease patients were observed to exhibit typical behavioral patterns, such as impatience, competitiveness, and a sense of urgency. They categorized these as Type A behavior and further elaborated the type A personality traits.

2. What are the key characteristics of Type A personality?

Key characteristics of a Type A personality include:

  • High levels of competitiveness: Constantly striving to be the best and often comparing themselves to others.
  • Sense of urgency: Always feeling pressed for time and often multitasking.
  • Impatience: Easily frustrated by delays or inefficiencies.
  • Aggressiveness: Can be hostile or overly assertive in situations.
  • High stress levels: Frequently feeling stressed and under pressure.
  • Achievement-oriented: Setting high standards for themselves and often feeling dissatisfied with their achievements.

3. How does Type A personality differ from Type B personality?

Competitive, urgent, and high-stress are typical Type A behaviors. While Type B personalities are more relaxed, less stressed, and tend to enjoy achievements. Type A personality can be said to be completely contrasting Type B individuals as their core personality traits are poles apart. However, it is possible for an individual to display both types of personalities.

4. How does having a Type A personality impact workplace performance?

Having a Type A personality can significantly impact workplace performance:

  • Positive Impacts: High achievement orientation, high performance, and leadership potential.
  • Negative Impacts: Excessively competitive, emotionally imbalanced, prone to fall sick and experience burnout.

5. What challenges might Type A personalities face in the workplace?

Type A personalities may face several challenges in the workplace, including:

  • Managing stress: Their high-stress levels can lead to burnout and health issues.
  • Team conflicts: Their competitiveness and impatience can create friction with colleagues.
  • Work-life balance: Struggling to balance work demands with personal life.
  • Flexibility: Difficulty adapting to changes or unexpected disruptions in their routine.

6. How can managers effectively support Type A employees?Managers can support Type A employees by:

  • Providing clear goals and deadlines: Helps them channel their urgency and competitiveness productively.
  • Encouraging breaks and relaxation: Promotes better stress management and reduces burnout risks.
  • Offering constructive feedback: Helps them improve without feeling criticized.
  • Fostering a collaborative environment: Encourages teamwork and reduces conflicts.
  • Providing opportunities for growth: Keeps them engaged and motivated.

7. Can Type A personalities be effective leaders?

Yes, Type A personalities can be very effective and efficient leaders. They influence the drive and ambition in others, and focus on achieving goals. However, it's essential for them to manage their stress, cultivate patience, and develop strong interpersonal skills to avoid conflicts and maintain a positive work environment.

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