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Network Engineer Skills Test

The Network Engineer Skills Test assesses essential skills such as network architecture, routing and switching, GIS fundamentals, and networking protocols. This technical pre-hire assessment helps HR identify candidates with the right skills for entry-level network engineering roles in geospatial systems.

Our Clients:
Test Time
58 mins
type bar
Entry Level
job type
Job Family
Geospatial Systems
question mark
No of Questions
Questions Type
Text Based

Test Summary

The Network Engineer Skills Test is a pre-hire assessment designed to evaluate the key technical competencies required for entry-level network engineers, particularly those working with geospatial systems. It covers a range of topics such as network architecture, routing and switching, backup and redundancy strategies, and quality of service (QoS) principles. Additionally, the test includes sections on GIS fundamentals and GIS software platforms, making it particularly relevant for network engineers in industries that utilize geospatial systems.

Candidates are assessed through text-based and multiple-choice questions designed to measure their practical knowledge and theoretical understanding of networking technologies. The test evaluates proficiency in networking protocols, network design, and the use of GIS software, ensuring that only candidates with the necessary technical foundation move forward in the hiring process.

For HR professionals, the Network Engineer Skills Test offers a reliable method to assess candidates' abilities in a variety of critical areas. By identifying gaps in skills and technical knowledge, it helps ensure that candidates are well-equipped to manage network infrastructure, implement redundancy solutions, and work with GIS technologies. This test is especially useful for organizations looking to build robust technical teams capable of managing the complexities of modern network systems.


Relevant for

  • Entry-Level Network Engineers
  • GIS Network Specialists
  • Network Operations Analysts
  • Network Support Engineers
  • Infrastructure Engineers
  • IT Network Assistants
  • System Engineers
  • Technical Support Engineers
  • Telecommunications Technicians
  • Geospatial Network Analysts

Elevating Success Through Diverse Competencies

Network Design

Skill in designing networks that are scalable, secure, and optimized for performance.

Network Technologies

Knowledge of networking tools, devices, and technologies that support the infrastructure.

Networking Protocols

Understanding of the key communication protocols that govern how data is transmitted across networks.

Routing and Switching

Expertise in managing network traffic, including configuring routers and switches to ensure optimal data flow.

Backup and Redundancy

Ensures network reliability and data integrity through effective backup and redundancy strategies.

GIS Fundamentals

Knowledge of GIS principles and their integration with network systems for enhanced geographic data management.

GIS Software Platforms

Proficiency in using GIS software tools to manage and analyze geospatial data.

Network Architecture

Understanding of the frameworks that define how network systems are designed and implemented.

Objective Skill Evaluation
Accurately assess candidates' core network engineering and geospatial system skills to make informed hiring decisions.

Streamlined Recruitment Process
Quickly identify candidates who meet the technical requirements for entry-level network engineer roles, reducing time-to-hire.

Improved Network Reliability
Ensure your team is equipped with the skills to maintain robust and reliable network infrastructure, including backup and redundancy.

GIS Integration
Identify candidates with GIS knowledge, critical for industries relying on geospatial systems for network management.

Identify Skill Gaps
Gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of candidates, allowing for targeted training and development in network technologies.

Key Features

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Globally Validated

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Language Agnostic

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Advanced Analytics

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Reliable & Validated

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Seamless Integration

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Real-time Reporting

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Why Choose PMaps?

Choosing PMaps means opting for a comprehensive and transformative assessment solution designed to address your most critical talent management needs. Our platform sets itself apart by delivering precision in talent acquisition and development through a suite of robust psychometric assessments. By leveraging our advanced analytics and expertise, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of hiring, succession planning, and employee development.

One-Click Deployment

One-Click Deployment

Quickly select and deploy tests from our extensive library in just one click.

Effortless Sharing

Effortless Sharing

Conveniently share test links with candidates directly from the platform.

Device-Friendly Assessment

Device-Friendly Assessment

Boost completion rates with a candidate experience that’s seamless across all devices.

insightful report

Insightful Reporting

Gain clear insights from detailed reports to make informed candidate evaluations

Client Testimonials

Trupti Chavan
L&OD Sr. Manager

PMaps provided in-depth assessments at two levels—one for mid-managers and one for senior leadership. These assessments, along with the reports, were customized to meet our requirements.

Shivani Jaswal
HR Manager

PMaps' intuitive tool has been a game-changer, simplifying blue-collar recruitment and providing precise insights into personality traits, making the hiring process more effective and efficient.

Mr. Sachin Mule
Director of Hiring & Training

Working with PMaps has been great! Their agile approach and customizable Scribe Test streamlined our hiring process, improving throughput by over 85%. PMaps’ exceptional support ensures we always get the right assessments at the right time.

Flexible customization options to suit your needs

Details About Assessments

Network Engineer Skills Test

The Network Engineer Skills Test is a technical pre-hire assessment designed to evaluate essential competencies for entry-level network engineers, particularly those working in geospatial systems environments. The test focuses on key technical skills such as network architecture, routing and switching, backup and redundancy strategies, and GIS fundamentals. This assessment ensures that candidates possess the foundational knowledge required to manage complex network infrastructures while integrating geospatial systems and data.

For HR professionals, the Network Engineer Skills Test is an invaluable tool to streamline the hiring process, allowing organizations to identify the most qualified candidates who possess the necessary technical skills. This test also helps to uncover potential skill gaps, providing insights into which candidates might need additional training or development.

Test Overview

The Network Engineer Skills Test consists of multiple-choice and text-based questions that assess a wide range of network engineering and geospatial system skills. The test is designed for entry-level roles and provides HR professionals with a comprehensive understanding of a candidate's technical abilities.

  • Number of Questions: Approximately 30 questions.
  • Test Duration: The test typically takes 30-40 minutes to complete.
  • Test Type: Technical pre-hire assessment focused on network engineering and GIS competencies.
  • Question Types: Text-based and multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate theoretical knowledge and practical application of networking concepts.

The test evaluates the candidate’s proficiency in areas such as network design, routing and switching, network protocols, and backup strategies, as well as the integration of GIS software and geospatial data management. This combination of questions ensures that candidates are thoroughly tested on both their networking skills and their understanding of geospatial systems.

The Network Engineer Skills Test is divided into multiple sections, each focusing on critical competencies required for success in network engineering roles, particularly those with a geospatial component. Below is a detailed breakdown of the sections and the skills they assess:

  1. Backup and Redundancy
    This section evaluates the candidate’s understanding of backup and redundancy strategies, which are crucial for ensuring network uptime and data integrity. Candidates are tested on their ability to implement effective backup solutions and redundancy systems to prevent data loss and ensure business continuity.
  2. GIS Fundamentals
    In this section, candidates are assessed on their understanding of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) fundamentals. High performers will demonstrate a strong grasp of how geospatial data and technologies can be integrated into network systems, improving decision-making processes and infrastructure planning.
  3. GIS Software Platforms
    This section focuses on the candidate’s proficiency with GIS software platforms. Candidates who score well here are familiar with popular GIS tools and software used for managing and analyzing geospatial data, which is essential for network engineers working in industries like logistics, telecommunications, and urban planning.
  4. Network Architecture
    Candidates are tested on their understanding of network architecture and how various components work together to form a functional and scalable network. This section evaluates the candidate’s ability to design networks that meet performance and scalability requirements, taking into consideration factors such as bandwidth, security, and redundancy.
  5. Network Design
    This section covers the basics of network design, testing the candidate's ability to plan and implement effective network solutions. High-scoring candidates will demonstrate a strong understanding of how to create networks that meet the specific needs of an organization, ensuring both efficiency and scalability.
  6. Network Technologies
    This section focuses on the candidate’s knowledge of key network technologies, including routers, switches, firewalls, and other hardware components that form the backbone of a network. Understanding these technologies is essential for maintaining and troubleshooting complex network infrastructures.
  7. Networking Protocols
    Networking protocols govern how data is transmitted across networks. In this section, candidates are tested on their understanding of common protocols such as TCP/IP, BGP, OSPF, and more. Candidates who perform well in this section will have a deep understanding of how these protocols enable communication between network devices.
  8. Quality of Service (QoS)
    Quality of Service is critical for ensuring that network traffic is prioritized based on the needs of the organization. This section evaluates the candidate’s ability to implement QoS policies that ensure high-priority traffic, such as VoIP or video conferencing, receives the necessary bandwidth and low-latency performance.
  9. Routing and Switching
    This section tests the candidate’s expertise in configuring and managing routing and switching protocols. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to configure routers and switches to optimize data flow, prevent network congestion, and maintain a secure and stable network infrastructure.

Benefits and Application of the Test

The Network Engineer Skills Test offers several key benefits and applications for organizations looking to hire qualified network engineers. Here are the primary advantages:

  1. Streamlined Hiring Process
    The test simplifies the recruitment process by quickly filtering out unqualified candidates. This allows HR teams to focus on individuals who possess the technical expertise needed for the role, saving time and resources during the selection process.
  2. Objective Evaluation of Technical Skills
    This assessment provides a data-driven evaluation of a candidate's skills, helping hiring managers make objective decisions based on performance rather than subjective impressions during interviews. It ensures that candidates have the foundational knowledge required to succeed in the role.
  3. Improved Network Performance
    By ensuring that only candidates with a solid understanding of network architecture, protocols, and redundancy strategies are hired, organizations can improve the reliability and performance of their network infrastructure. This is particularly important for industries that rely on real-time data processing and geospatial systems.
  4. GIS Integration Capabilities
    With the increasing importance of geospatial systems in various industries, this test allows organizations to assess candidates on their ability to integrate GIS platforms into network solutions. This ensures that new hires are equipped to manage both networking and geospatial data, providing a significant competitive advantage.
  5. Identifying Skill Gaps
    The test not only helps identify top talent but also highlights potential skill gaps in candidates. This information can be used to provide targeted training and development opportunities, ensuring that new hires quickly adapt to the organization’s specific technical needs.

Characteristics of High and Low Performers

  • High Performers:
    Candidates who score well on the Network Engineer Skills Test will exhibit strong proficiency in network architecture, routing and switching, and networking protocols. They will have a solid understanding of backup and redundancy strategies and will demonstrate competence in managing GIS software platforms and integrating geospatial data into network systems. High performers are detail-oriented, technically skilled, and capable of managing the complexities of modern network infrastructures.
  • Low Performers:
    Low-performing candidates may struggle with key concepts such as routing and switching, network design, or networking protocols. They may also lack experience with GIS fundamentals or GIS software platforms, making them less suitable for roles that require both network engineering and geospatial integration. These candidates are more likely to encounter difficulties in managing complex network systems or troubleshooting network issues.

Final Thoughts

The Network Engineer Skills Test is an essential tool for organizations seeking to hire qualified entry-level network engineers, especially those involved in managing geospatial systems. By assessing a candidate’s technical knowledge in areas like network architecture, routing and switching, GIS fundamentals, and networking protocols, this test helps organizations make data-driven hiring decisions that improve network reliability and performance.

For industries that rely on the integration of geospatial data and network infrastructure, this test ensures that candidates possess the necessary skills to excel in their roles. By identifying top talent and uncovering potential skill gaps, the Network Engineer Skills Test helps organizations build high-performing technical teams capable of managing the complexities of modern network systems.

Whether you're hiring for roles in telecommunications, IT infrastructure, or geospatial systems, the Network Engineer Skills Test provides a clear and objective evaluation of a candidate's abilities, ensuring that your organization can confidently select the best candidates for the job.

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Resources Related To Test

PMaps Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about PMaps through commonly asked questions:

What is the Network Engineer Skills Test?

The Network Engineer Skills Test is a technical pre-hire assessment that evaluates candidates' proficiency in network architecture, routing and switching, GIS software platforms, and networking protocols. It helps HR professionals identify top talent for entry-level network engineering roles.

Who should take the Network Engineer Skills Test?

This test is ideal for HR teams hiring for entry-level network engineers, GIS network specialists, or IT professionals working with network systems. It helps identify candidates with the right technical skills to manage network infrastructure in geospatial environments.

What are the benefits of using the Network Engineer Skills Test?

The Network Engineer Skills Test helps ensure objective hiring decisions, improves network reliability by identifying skilled candidates, and speeds up the recruitment process for entry-level technical roles. It also helps assess GIS-related competencies.

Can the Network Engineer Skills Test be customized?

Yes, the test can be customized to focus on specific areas such as network protocols or GIS technologies, ensuring alignment with your organization’s unique technical needs.

Is there a demo or trial available for the Network Engineer Skills Test?

Yes, organizations can request a demo or trial to explore the test’s interface, question types, and reporting capabilities. This allows HR teams to determine how the test fits into their hiring process.