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Negotiation Skills Test

The Negotiation Skills Assessment focuses on evaluating a candidate's ability to negotiate successfully in various business contexts. Designed for professionals who require strong negotiation capabilities, this test ensures individuals can secure favorable outcomes while maintaining positive relationships, essential for successful business dealings.

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Test Summary

Focusing on strategic thinking, effective communication, and emotional intelligence, the Negotiation Skills Test identifies professionals who excel in securing advantageous agreements. It assesses one's ability to understand and influence others, crucial for roles involving negotiation. This tool ensures your team includes skilled negotiators, enhancing business outcomes.


Relevant for

  • Sales Managers
  • Business Development Executives
  • Procurement Officers
  • Human Resources Specialists
  • Project Managers
  • Legal Advisors
  • Customer Success Managers
  • Marketing Directors
  • Financial Negotiators
  • Real Estate Agents

Elevating Success Through Diverse Competencies

Strategic Thinking (Cognitive):

Strategic thinking in negotiation involves the ability to see the big picture, anticipate future consequences and trends, and consider a wide range of possible outcomes. It's about understanding the broader business context, setting long-term goals, and devising adaptable strategies to achieve them. This competency allows negotiators to position themselves advantageously and navigate complex discussions toward successful conclusions.

Emotional Intelligence (Behavioral):

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. In negotiations, it helps in understanding and responding to the emotions of others, building rapport, and fostering trust. High emotional intelligence enables negotiators to read the room, manage stress, and remain calm under pressure, leading to more effective communication and outcomes.

Communication Skills (Skills):

Effective communication is key to negotiation, encompassing both verbal and non-verbal cues. This competency involves clearly articulating points, actively listening, asking probing questions, and interpreting body language. It ensures that negotiators can express their positions persuasively, understand the counterpart's perspective, and find common ground.

Conflict Resolution (Behavioral):

Conflict resolution skills are vital in negotiations to navigate disagreements and find mutually beneficial solutions. It involves identifying the root cause of the conflict, employing problem-solving techniques, and mediating between conflicting interests. This competency ensures that negotiators can maintain positive relationships while effectively addressing and resolving disputes.

Decision Making (Cognitive): 

Decision making in negotiations involves analyzing information, assessing risks, and choosing the best course of action from various alternatives. This competency is crucial for making informed choices that align with strategic goals, even under uncertainty. Effective decision-makers can weigh the pros and cons of different options to secure the best possible deal.

Persuasion and Influence (Skills): 

Persuasion and influence involve the ability to convince others to understand, accept, and commit to a particular point of view or action. This competency is essential for negotiators to sway the negotiation in their favor, encouraging counterparts to agree with their terms without resorting to coercion, through compelling arguments and the strategic use of information.

Adaptability (Behavioral): 

Adaptability in negotiation refers to the ability to adjust strategies and approaches in response to changing circumstances and new information. This competency allows negotiators to remain effective when faced with unexpected challenges or shifts in the negotiation dynamics, ensuring they can pivot as needed to achieve favorable outcomes.

Preparation and Planning (Skills): 

Thorough preparation and planning are fundamental to successful negotiations. This includes researching the counterpart's interests, strengths, and weaknesses, setting clear objectives, and developing a negotiation strategy. Effective preparation ensures that negotiators enter discussions with a clear understanding of their goals and the flexibility to adapt tactics as the negotiation progresses.

Enhanced Hiring Precision:
Quickly identify candidates with top-notch negotiation skills.

Strategic Advantage:
Empower your team with negotiators who can clinch favorable terms.

Improved Outcomes:

Negotiators adept in securing win-win outcomes contribute to business success.

Team Dynamics:
Integrate skilled negotiators to foster collaborative and strategic decision-making.

Objective Assessments:
Utilize data-driven insights for unbiased and effective hiring.

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Choosing PMaps means opting for a comprehensive and transformative assessment solution designed to address your most critical talent management needs. Our platform sets itself apart by delivering precision in talent acquisition and development through a suite of robust psychometric assessments. By leveraging our advanced analytics and expertise, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of hiring, succession planning, and employee development.

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We use PMaps for two assessments, Sales Aptitude Assessment and Values Assessment for our salespersons. It helped us improve the quality of our hires. We have seen lower attrition.

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PMaps enables us to screen and assess candidates before they join us, especially when hiring thousands of individuals. It helps us understand their aptitude, communication skills, and personality.

Preeti Shirke

The PMaps team has been extremely forthcoming and receptive to the requirements we have shared. The solution that has been designed and customized to suit our requirements has been very well received.

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Details About Assessments

The Negotiation Skills Test is a comprehensive assessment designed to measure an individual's capability to effectively negotiate in a variety of contexts. By evaluating a range of cognitive, behavioral, and skill-based competencies, this test provides invaluable insights into a person's negotiation strategy, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution abilities, and overall persuasiveness.

Importance of the Test

In today's fast-paced and interconnected business environment, negotiation skills are indispensable. Whether it's securing contracts, resolving disputes, or managing internal team dynamics, the ability to negotiate effectively can significantly impact organizational success.

Purpose of the Test

The primary purpose of the Negotiation Skills Test is to identify individuals who possess the nuanced blend of skills necessary for successful negotiation. It aims to assist HR professionals in making informed hiring decisions, developing talent, and enhancing team performance by pinpointing strengths and areas for improvement in negotiation prowess.

Test Overview

The Negotiation Skills Test is structured to simulate real-world negotiation scenarios, providing a mix of question types to assess various competencies. This includes multiple-choice questions, situational judgment tests, and interactive simulations that require candidates to respond to dynamic negotiation challenges.

Types of Questions

  • Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Assess theoretical knowledge and practical application in negotiation.
  • Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs): Evaluate decision-making skills and approach to complex negotiation situations.
  • Interactive Simulations: Test the ability to navigate real-time negotiation scenarios, assessing adaptability and strategic thinking.

Elaborating the Sections of Assessment

Each section of the Negotiation Skills Test focuses on a critical aspect of negotiation:

  • Strategic Thinking and Planning: Assesses the ability to develop effective negotiation strategies based on thorough analysis and preparation.
  • Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills: Evaluates understanding and management of emotions, both personal and those of others, crucial for building rapport and influencing outcomes.
  • Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving: Focuses on the ability to navigate disputes creatively and constructively, aiming for mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Persuasion and Influence: Tests the capacity to persuasively communicate and sway the negotiation in one's favor while maintaining positive relationships.

Best Fit vs. Low Fit Candidates

  • Best Fit Candidates demonstrate a strong strategic approach, high emotional intelligence, excellent problem-solving abilities, and effective persuasion skills. They are adaptable, well-prepared, and can navigate negotiations to achieve optimal outcomes while fostering positive relationships.
  • Low Fit Candidates may lack in one or several key areas, such as strategic planning, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, or persuasive communication, potentially leading to less favorable negotiation outcomes.

Benefits and Application of the Test

Benefits of Taking the Test

  • Informed Hiring and Placement: Enables precise identification of candidates with superior negotiation skills.
  • Skill Development: Highlights areas for personal and professional development in negotiation competencies.
  • Team Composition and Dynamics: Assists in assembling teams with complementary skills, enhancing collective negotiation effectiveness.

Applications of the Test

The Negotiation Skills Test finds application across various roles and sectors, including sales, procurement, HR, legal, and management. It is particularly beneficial for roles requiring frequent negotiation with clients, suppliers, or within teams.

Application of Results

The results can be applied in numerous contexts:

  • Hiring Decisions: Identifying candidates with the right blend of negotiation skills for specific roles.
  • Promotions and Career Development: Guiding decisions on promotions and professional development opportunities.
  • Skill Gap Analysis: Pinpointing organizational or individual skill gaps in negotiation.
  • Self-Evaluation: Offering professionals a tool for self-assessment and personal growth in negotiation skills.

Final Thoughts

The Negotiation Skills Test stands as a critical resource for organizations aiming to enhance their negotiation capabilities. By providing a detailed assessment of an individual's negotiation skills, it empowers HR professionals and leaders to make strategic decisions about talent acquisition, development, and management. In doing so, it contributes to building stronger, more effective teams that can navigate the complexities of business negotiations with confidence and skill.

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Resources Related To Test

PMaps Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about PMaps through commonly asked questions:

What is the Negotiation Skills Test?

A comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate a candidate's negotiation techniques, strategic approach, and communication effectiveness.

Who should take the Negotiation Skills Test?

Professionals in roles that require negotiation, such as sales, procurement, HR, and legal positions, to ensure they possess the necessary skills.

How does the Negotiation Skills Test benefit my organization?

It helps identify individuals with the adeptness to secure advantageous terms, directly impacting business growth and relationships.

Can the Negotiation Skills Test be customized?

Yes, to match your organization's specific requirements, ensuring the assessment aligns with your negotiation scenarios and objectives.

How long does the Negotiation Skills Test take?

The test is designed to comprehensively evaluate negotiation skills within a timeframe that respects the candidate's schedule and the employer's needs.